Clients drinking on a meeting

I stopped drinking with clients and this is what I learnt

Jan 29, 2023

Back when I was working in sales, alcohol felt like a requirement. Long lunches, late nights, and drinking with clients were all part of the job. I thought I needed it to connect, to build relationships, and to get ahead. But the truth is, it nearly destroyed me. I’d wake up exhausted, struggling to get through the day, telling myself it was all worth it. But it wasn’t.

I used to think that drinking made me better at my job—that it helped me break down barriers and be more relatable. But I was making myself sick, mentally and physically, just to fit into a mold I thought was necessary for success. Looking back, I realized I was relying on alcohol for something I already had: the ability to connect and be myself.

I remember when I was younger, before alcohol ever entered the picture. I could make friends easily, be myself, and have fun without a drink in my hand. I didn’t need anything extra to feel included or to enjoy life. That person was still in me, but I had buried her under layers of doubt and dependence on something that only held me back.

When I finally stopped drinking with clients, I saw a huge shift. I didn’t need alcohol to connect or be effective. I could show up fully present, really listen, and enjoy the conversation without worrying about how I looked or felt. My confidence grew, and I started to see that my success didn’t come from a bottle. It came from being authentically me.

It took me a long time to get here, but I now know that I don’t need alcohol to be liked, to be successful, or to feel good enough. My success and my ability to connect come from within, and that’s something I’ll never take for granted again.