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What motivates you to get sober sober sobriety Feb 22, 2024

Fear can be a powerful catalyst for change and this comment in my DM was exactly how I felt when I was drinking.

By the way this person is now sober - so awesome

It was fear that woke me up to the reality of my life spiraling out of control. I realized that I couldn’t continue living in...

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You need to try sobriety and this is why sobriety Feb 19, 2024

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: your little voice saying you need to take a break from substances

As a counsellor specialising in addiction, I’ve seen firsthand how relying on alcohol can hinder emotional growth. When we don’t learn to regulate our emotions without a...

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How do you know if you are ready to give up alcohol Jan 24, 2024

You won’t know!

That’s the scariest thing while you are drinking there will always be a part of you saying you don’t have a problem! I was in denial for so long and it’s not until I was sober did I realise how much of a problem I had with alcohol and drugs. Making the...

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Quick technique to manage intense emotions - Change your body temperature Nov 14, 2023

Coping with urges in sobriety can be tough, and that’s why I’m sharing a helpful DBT skill!

When we’re hit with those strong cravings, our bodies go into overdrive, and our brains might not be getting enough oxygen to make smart choices.

Here’s a quick trick:

Try immersing...

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Three reasons I should start drinking again, are they valid? Jan 30, 2023

1. Alcohol, It’s party season, you are at every event. Everyone is drinking you and I don’t want to be the odd one out. I want to have fun with my friends and you have always made this happen!

An ongoing internal battle, when did it become a thing that I needed alcohol to socialise...

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Alcohol causes pain Jan 30, 2023

Today I want a drink. It’s the first time since I started this sober journey I have actually had a craving for alcohol. I want to forget, I want alcohol to get rid of this ongoing sadness inside me. I had focused so much on socialising alcohol free, I had forgotten how you feel when...

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The fear of missing out if I'm sober Jan 30, 2023

We are both here but it’s different. I’m not thirsty for you, tonight for the first time I see what you are. I don’t even look at you and when I get asked if I want a drink I say no without hesitation. Tonight I’m in control. Not you or anyone else.

Thursday night was the...

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Iā€™m scared about being sober at a work event Jan 29, 2023

Alcohol, one week since I’ve touched you, two seconds since I’ve thought of you. I know you are waiting for me to fail, I can hear your niggling voice, it’s my sub-conscious. You are taunting me, you think I rely on you and I’ll crumble without you. Why do I feel...

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I stopped drinking with clients and this is what I learnt Jan 29, 2023

Dear Alcohol,

Don’t worry you haven’t been forgotten. I still talk about you and I’m reminded of your existence every day. The thing is unless I quit my job and live under a rock you will always be there. I’m not trying to run away from you, I’m trying to stand up to...

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If alcohol makes me fun, why are all my friends distancing themselves? alcoholfree partygirl sober sobriety Jan 29, 2023

Alcohol you are fun, you transform me into a new person. You remove all the barriers allowing me to be playful, interesting, funny and confident. You make me the ultimate party girl. So why are all my friends distancing themselves from me?

The anticipation gives me butterflies, tonight has been...

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The morning after - does alcohol really calm stress? Jan 22, 2023

Alcohol, this is my first blog and I want you to understand this is going to be hard for me to break it off. I’m the girl who doesn’t leave your side until early hours of the morning. I love the way you make me feel and how you help me to forget all my cares and stresses in the world....

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