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Hello, I'm Mel Watkins.

Licensed Psychotherapist
Founder, Sober Community

I created Mel Watkins Therapy so people can have the opportunity to not only learn life long coping skills through therapy but have the opportunity to redefine fun in sobriety. Our events allow people to connect and feel empowered without booze.

My Story

I've always struggled with alcohol and drugs. From sitting at home alone drinking vodka to being the drunkest person at the party, substances were my coping mechanism. My decision to become sober came from the desperate need to want to trust myself again. Although it took a while for sobriety to stick, the journey allowed me to fully discover myself. I quit my corporate job, went back to uni, became a certified recovery coach and felt confident in my own skin.

Addiction is powerful and can make us feel ashamed which is why I want to help people break the cycle with relatable therapy and connection.

Mel Watkins is a licensed psychotherapist in Australia, specialised in Alcohol addiction.

Mel Watkins was featured on

The Daily Mail

Ms Lionnet recently shared five reminders that help her stay sober

October 12, 2021

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The Sydney Morning Herald Read the article
VICE Read the article
The Daily Mail Read the article